Anybody have any Crisco?
I want to thank everyone for not thinking I deserted you guys this last week. One of my many responsibilites at work is inventory management. We cycle count all of our inventory every month(that means we have to physically count everything in our warehouse). This normally takes on average 40 to 50 hours a month. At times, it can be quite a heavy load. But I like it because I get to run through all of the numbers(Yoo hoo!) and then if our inventory is over/under I have to investigate why and fix it(Dr. Watson and I!). The one thing about doing this is that it never stops. I am now done for April, but starting Monday, we will heading into May and it all stars over again, hence, the photo(I apologize for the use of "buns"). But I can start fresh and it can really be fun. Also, corporate office in G.R. compares our accuracy percentage to all the other 16 branches and we get rated for how accurate we are. And since I love to crunch numbers, at the end of the month, I already know how everyone else is and I run the different reports up and down to see where we are at. It's surprising how accurate we keep things. Out of $531,570.33 we were only off $1,241.95, which is 99.766%! That puts us in 2nd place. The branch in 1st is 99.98%, which seems to be almost impossible, since our average for the company so 98.61%. We also have to clean up a lot of different things at the end of the month, so it can be pretty busy. I'm glad God made me to be good with numbers and I'm proud of the work I do(ewe). I'm so happy to see that everyone is doing good and I appreciate you all. God Bless.
I bet you forgot about the bizarre phobias, huh?
Alektorophobia - A fear of chickens
Chionophobia - A fear of snow
Linonophobia - A fear of string