Tuesday, April 18, 2006

How To Find Prime Numbers

I know this probably isn't extremely interesting, or even worth reading about. But I thought is was a good question. It's one mathematicians are still trying to answer. The simplest method was developed by Eratosthenes in the 3rd century B.C. Here's how it works: Suppose we want to find all the prime numbers between 1 and 64. We write out a table of these numbers, 1-6 then start a new row and proceed as follows. The number 2 is the first integer greater than 1, so it is obviously prime. We now cross out all multiples of two. The next number that we haven't crossed out is 3. We circle it and cross out all its multiples. The next non-crossed-out number is 5, so we circle it and cross out all its multiples. We only have to do this for all numbers less than the square root of our upper limit (in this case sqrt(64)=8) since any composite number in the table must have at least one factor less than the square root of the upper limit. What's left after this process of elimination is all the prime numbers between 1 and 64. This is what it should look like!!

Unfortunately, this method is rather time consuming when the numbers you are looking for are much larger. But I thought it was neat. Try not to ban me from the blogging cirlce for this! :)

Here, let me give you something funny. I will in the future, be sharing some definitions of different fears: arachibutyrophobia=peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth!


At Tue Apr 18, 12:24:00 PM, Blogger Stephenie said...

i will have to teach this to my students. we went over this in one of my classes, but alas i forgot it all. my brain is like a seive when it comes to math! thanks for the refresher.

At Tue Apr 18, 12:49:00 PM, Blogger Colleen said...

I think for under 100, I'd rather just memorize them. By the way, this method is new to me! I'll have to ponder it further. Also, I don't have the fear you mentioned but maybe the dogs we've had might - sometimes we'd stick peanut butter to the roof of their mouth just to watch them lick it off.:)

At Tue Apr 18, 01:02:00 PM, Blogger anna said...

I only have two words for you.
Of course, that's now nine words.
Wait, fifteen. Seventeen...eighteen...
Oh, whatever!

At Tue Apr 18, 01:22:00 PM, Blogger Jeff said...

Thank for the article, however, it reminds me of my FEAR of Math! Also, peanut butter on the roof of a dogs mouth is good for distracting them for shots, and helping get a pill down. :)

At Tue Apr 18, 01:25:00 PM, Blogger Christopher said...

I really like to crunch numbers! :)

At Tue Apr 18, 03:41:00 PM, Blogger Colleen said...

Poor numbers with you "crunching" them. They're probably squished by now. How 'bout petting them instead? hee-hee

At Wed Apr 19, 07:12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just wouldn't be the same! :)


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