Tuesday, July 11, 2006

From My Heart...

He is the One I serve
Jesus, Lover of My Soul
Jesus lover of my soul,

Jesus I will never let You go.
You've taken me from the miry clay,
You've set my feet upon a rock And now I know.
I love You, I need You,

Though my world may fall,
I'll never let You go.
My Savior, my closest friend,
I will worship You,
Until the very end
© 1992 Daniel Grul, John Ezzy, Steve McPherson/Hillsongs

I'm sure I've heard this song sung many times before, but recently I heard it on the radio and it was as though I was hearing it for the first time. It struck me that Jesus loves me with a love like no other. He loves me unconditionally. His love is not determined by feelings. His love for me has absolutely nothing to do with "me" but rather is it based upon His own character. His love for me is more than just a decision. He's made a commitment to love me. His love for me is a constant reminder that I am His. His love in my life gives me a sense of meaning, worth and purpose. He is constantly loving me my through my wife.
Of all the emotions one person can experience – love is the most superior – no other even begins to compare in importance. When Jesus was asked about the greatest commandment, Jesus replied: " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself." (Matthew 22:37-39 NIV)
Isn't it amazing that of all the commandments, the one Jesus says is the most important involves the act of love? I think for the most part, we get so caught up in the world today that we forget and neglect this obvious truth the Bible teaches. God created us to love Him and to let His love shine through us to a lost, dark, needy and hurting world. To miss out on loving God and loving others is to miss out on the entire point of living.
Above everything else, Jesus wants us to learn to love Him as He loves us. At the moment we accept Him God gives us a new spirit as well as a new ability to understand Him. (2 Corinthians 5:17) With God's Spirit living in us, His love starts to flow through us to others who need His love as well. Once that happens, you will see your life start to change. You will walk with a new freedom that only love can provide.
My life verse comes from the book of Matthew, chapter 5, verse 16 "In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
To be completely honest with you, before I was saved, I was one who has sought the praises of man. I once heard a speaker in a meeting say that most people will work harder for praises than they do for raises. When I heard him say this… I was at a place in my life where I completely identified with his statement. I worked hard to receive praises, pats on the back – both with my friends and especially at work. But my motivation was completely wrong. You see I needed to hear the praise of others in order to feel worthy, to feel loved, and to feel important – otherwise, in my mind I was useless.
One day that all changed. The day I let Jesus be Lord and Savior of my life my purpose in life changed. No longer did I need the accolades of others in order to see my value in life. I was now performing for an audience of One and I knew because of Him I was valued, important and significant.
I love Jesus so much. He is the lover of my soul. He has saved me and put my feet upon a rock. The best gift I can give Him is my life and give it by being in service to Him. No longer do I need the praises of man. Though, sometimes I still want to be affirmated by my friends and I need it from my wife. In chapter one of the book of Galatians, verse 10, Paul says, Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men?

If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Today, if I do good deed, I pray I've done it with the right motivation – to please God and if anyone should notice, I pray they will praise God and not me. When I encourage my wife or even just happily perform my marital duties, God wants me to be walking, talking, breathing, eating, sleeping, fountains of His love. He wants us to rain His love all over people who are hurting, needy and in desperate need of love. And the most wonderful thing about God's love is that the more we give it away, the more the supply is replenished.
I pray you can "rain" a little of God's love on someone today! Be blessed and dwell in His promises! I love you all.

Agateophobia - A fear of insanity
Dromophobia - A fear of crossing streets
Papaphobia - A fear of the Pope


At Tue Jul 11, 02:30:00 PM, Blogger anna said...

I needed to read this today.
It helped me to remember that God Loves me no matter what. I think I was forgetting that his opinion and thoughts are the ones that really count.

At Thu Jul 13, 05:42:00 PM, Blogger Stephenie said...

very deep chris. you'll be happy to know that "jesus lover of my soul" is on the new oak-crest worship cd as sung by barak!:)

At Fri Jul 14, 07:29:00 AM, Blogger Colleen said...

Eloquently spoken Chris. And very true. God is love.


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