Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Big Day!

I am sooo excited I can hardly hold it in! Sunday is the big day and I have been so amazed how God has brought all of this together. Thanks to all of our friends, who have graciously worked with us to make this special day even more special. Anna and I should really try to write a book about this. It is awesome how God continually made every part of this "fall into place". From the rings to the honeymoon, everything has been so wonderful. Our God fulfills His promises and prophecies. The works of His hands are faithful and just. Psalms 111:7a
I am very honored to marry such a wonderful and godly woman. I humbly accept the responsiblity and joy of being a husband. I will devote myself to be a godly leader, priest, and king to our family. She will be my helpmate, along my side, and I will cover her and love her for the rest of our days. What a great picture that is!
Thanks again to everyone who has been a part of this. We appreciate you and love you all. Thanks. :)

Gamophobia - A fear of being married! :)

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

All is well at the homefront!

Just wanted to fill everyone back in on the issue between me and my boss. The day that the Lord confirmed the marriage between Anna and I, he told me that he was praying for us. Specifically that the Lord would confirm when we should get married. The fact that he was sincerely praying for us, just broke that little bit of pride that was holding on for dear life! I wept over the phone and told him that I was sorry and he forgave me and I told him that I too forgave him of any of the offenses that I had carryied. Now our friendship is back to normal and it is great. He even wants to throw some kind of a golf bachelor party for me(I think, I might of overheard him today talking about it, but I'm not sure)! You know, it's amazing how much a person can hold onto if they wish. It doesn't matter how much it hurts or how long you hold on to it, we just keep holdin' on. Crazy. Thanks for your comments, I needed them. :) Have a "SWEET" day.

Here ya go:
Paraskavedekatriaphobia - A fear of Friday the 13th
Alliumphobia - A fear of garlic
Barophobia - A fear of gravity

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Enough Is Enough....

This is very hard for me to do. But I need to get a little personal with everyone for a minute. I have had a hard time with my boss at where I work. We have been great friends years ago, but because we had a shift in the authoritative positions, he has deems it necessary to distance our relationship. It was to the point to where I didn't want to even have a relationship with him.
But I know that it is not right, so I ask for some prayer. I am at the place, with help from Anna and my boss' boss, to know that over 50% of this issue is my attitude and pride. I get so frustrated with certain repetitive mistakes, that I don't want to say anything to him because it probably would not be edifying. But If forgave him and I am just on the edge of telling him that I am sorry and try reconciling our friendship. But honestly there is just a thread of "me" still left in this. I don't want it to holding back what God is trying to do here.
My boss is a great person and a fellow christian, so it very difficult when we have strife between us. He is very personable and wears his emotions on his sleeve, but I am very closed and I keep a lot of things to myself. He is very good at letting me out of work when I need some time to do personal things too. But I just need to suck it up and get over it. I know it sounds simple, but you kknow when you talk about some thing and pray about , by the time you really look at it, you already know the answer? Less of me and more of Him. Stop being selfish, stop being a putz, and grow up. I know this sounds kind of harsh toward myself, but I think that way I say is true. Sometimes that's how guys need to be(ROOOAAAAAR!). Atleast that's how I need to be with myself. Again, I receive your input and thanks everyone for letting me bounce this off ya, you guys are the BEST. :)

I almost forgot...
Homichlophobia - A fear of fog
Melissophobia - A fear of bees
Taurophobia - A fear of bulls, or charging bulls

Monday, May 01, 2006

Hi Everybody!

Hello everyone! It's me, Anna.
I am listed as a contributor on this site but I haven't really taken advantage of it yet.
I'm not sure what to write.
I think I'll write about Chris because this is his blog after all.
Well, besides the obvious things like how handsome he is, and how much he loves to learn new things, and his appreciation for numbers, I should tell you that he's with me so back off all you jealous chicks or I'll smack ya down. Pardon me, I don't mean to be so aggressive but you can never be too careful. When you find a treasure you need to protect and cherish it ya know.
He's amazing. He treats me like a queen. He makes my heart do these funny little flips...I guess this is more about what he does to me and not about him. He's strong, very strong. He's great at his job and makes an excellent manager. He's patient and kind, a great listener who always seems to really understand. He's generous and wise. He loves the Lord and he's always pointing people to Him. He's a fantastic friend and a great dad and a wonderful boyfriend and, and, and... I could go on and on. He's tops in my book! I thank the Lord for putting Chris in my life.
That's all for now. I hope you all have a great day!