Friday, March 31, 2006

My Week Is Finally Over!

Why, we have been busy little beavers on my blog...haven't we?
I was going to dimiss the whole "noseblog" incident, when I realized it had spread a lot further than I thought. Let me back up and let me start this story properly, from the beginning! So pull up a chair, kick your shoes off, grab a snack(preferably nothing chewy or gooey [hey that rhymes! I'm a poet and didn't even know it. Hey that rhymes too!]), and let me begin.....

It was a cold and stormy night, and the wind had began to bend the trees painfully to and fro. Huge displays of lightning flashed across the sky. The whole earth shook from the roaring, turbulent sounds of thunder. Like a thousand Clydesdale horses of Scotland, stampeding by.... Oh wait, that's a different story!

Well it was last night and I was finishing up my day and someone thought it would absolutely hilarious to post a post(? - don't ask) about me loving to "pick my nose"! Wow! I was stunned, shocked, mortified, fuddled, confounded, discombobulated(not really, I just like to use that word!). There I was, with my brand new blogspot and the whole world would know my secret. Uuuhhmm, I mean, could read what someone wrote. Someone who was in possession of certain "administrative properties" (thanks Steph-such Sherlock Holmes skills indeed dear Watson!).
This perpetrator even tried to prevent me from posting a small comment of defense, I couldn't even build a weak, feeble explaination of this abomination. I knew that no one would believe it anyhow. My only thought was "What if I'm shunned form the blogging world? No one wants to blog with a nose-picker! That's gross!" To a bunch of people who like to type, phalangical hygiene is very important. The digits must remain clean! Food and drinks are just understood as taboo. Especially nose pickings! Even if you get bored and no one is around. I mean, it gets on the keyboard, then after a while you can't see some of the letters or numbers and then your little pinky sticks to the spacebar. Uggghhh, how annoying!
Anyways, I battled back and forth until sheer superior strength had proved me the victor! And now is where I became gravely and perilously careless. Out of complete faith and duty, I turned my "other cheek" toward this criminal of composition, this gangster of gross gab, this outlaw of outlandish over-imaginative observations, this villian of vile blog vandalism. I soon found out that my senseless act of trust would be my demise. Not only did this criminal fake a consoling rebuttal, but then proceeded to further drown my name in disgusting dietary no, no's. That I liked to, you guessed it, "eat my boogers!" Incredible! Absolutely abhorring.
That's when common sense and understanding entered. Like a mean cowboy swaggering through a saloon and not a single noise is heard-except for the rough boots on the floor and the rattle of his gunbelt. But when the dust all settled down, the perp deleted the fantastic "story" (No Colleen, you're not going crazy! not going crazy! not going crazy! not going crazy!). There you have it. Green globs of gross goey goo and and all.

Well, March is over,and we should be back fully staffed. I can resume work as usual. Let us see what this weekend has in store for us. Have a blessed weekend and have some fun! Get moving. Yeah, you! Right there. You. Right in front of your computer. Go do something and laugh really hard doing it! :)

The last couple of days, the Lord has laid on my heart how He became sin, not just bore our sins. How when we despised and rejected Him, he carried our sorrows and griefs. That through His exceeding riches of grace, He will raise us up and be made the righteousness of God in Him. For we are a workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath ordained that we should walk in them. Eph 2:10 Amen.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


Why do we think so much? Why does rain fall downward? Who named lakes and seas. Why does every road in Michigan have either a name of tree, fruit, or river in it. What exactly is a whipper-willow? Why, in general, are oriental people shorter(except Yao Ming!)? Who are the "people" in the phrase "most people say or most people think...."? Why dogs have tails? Why do some people hum and others whistle and yet others sing? What makes an orange orange? Why is the King, Queen, Jack, and Joker the only face cards in a normal deck of cards?
What would happen if we could slow our minds down? Would we spend more time thinking about what we were thinking about? What if we could change how we think? Well the good news out of all this silliness is that we can.

First we need to know that we cannot hide our thoughts from God.
PSALSM 139:23
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts

Also, God will reward us for diligence and for committing our works unto Him.
Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy thoughts shall be established.

The thoughts of the diligent tend only to plenteousness;

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ

If we change the way we think He can replace our "old" thinking with His "new" thinking. Even as mature christians, we are always being refined and still running the race.
For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

He has and will continue to help us to grow, not just spiritually, but in the way we think too.
When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

The long and short of is, if we can change the way we think about ourselves and the tasks that we have before us, I think we would find a lot more peace in our lives. We would actually be able to enjoy every day. :))

It's Monday!!!!!

Today should be one busy week! One of the guys in the office is gone all week, vacationing in California. Plus being the end of the month, there are a lot of administrative ends that need to be tied up. He helps me cleaning some of that stuff up. All of our inventory needs to be counted and errors need to be double-checked. Cash reports, overdue purchases, old transfers, past due sales orders, all need to be updated or invoiced. I really like doing that stuff. I love numbers! I'm a statistician by trade and number-cruncher by heart.
This morning, the Lord was revealing to me out of Psalms 62, that He is our expectation. When we get a drive inside of us to grow or influence our circumstances around us for the better, He is the source. He is our great rock and defense. We need to trust Him and pour our hearts out to Him and He will help us through it. We can expect good things from God the Father! Also, that I need to be more patient.
Well, have a good day everyone!

My best weekend yet!

I had the greatest weekend in a long time!
I spent my weekend with the two greatest people in my life. Thank you Lord. My son, Zack, and the great love of my life, Anna Louise. We went out to eat at a Bagel shop in the morning. After breakfast, we went to the library. I had the oh-so-familiar experience of making a fool of myself. It may have been a little while since I have been to a library(16 years-oops!), and I forgot that you don't have to pay to checkout a book! Sweet! Then Anna had a great surprise for her good friend, Steph. So she and the girls kidnapped Steph and went to the spa and out to eat at Famous Dave's. Then after she got back, we went into G.R. to watch 3D Deep Sea Adventure. It was really cool. Zack had some little girl talking to him and he just stoned up like a gargoyle.(later on we gave him a hard time about it) :) Anna, who is always full of great ideas(thanks Anna), told Zack that we would get some pizza after the movie. It was pretty good. Except for the pineapple juice, which felt like battery acid in my stomach. Why do I order such wierd things? Then we came home and Zack and Anna fell asleep next to each other-what a beautiful sight!
Then on Sunday, we all met at church in the morning. I came really expecting a word from the Lord and he gave me the whole message! It was definitely for us, especially me! Worship was really flowing throughout me. God is so faithful! We asked, we believed and God delivered. We really needed to hear form Him. We need to keep those mountains in the sea! After church, we went out to eat in North Muskegon. Zack wanted to pay for lunch! Bless his little heart. I will never order Egg Drop soup or whatever it was that Anna had. I don't know if you can picture this, but have you ever ate something and the taste had smell to it? Maybe the smell had a taste to it. But it tasted like a horse stall would smell. Do you get it? It was like mixing 2 bushels of alfafa, 1 bail of hay, 1 1/2 big horses, 6 pieces of 2"x6" boards that you was nailed on a barn door, and 1 pint of sweat from a pony. Gross! We had a great idea at the same time(we always do that-thanks ALP!), I decided to take everyone to the "F.O." for ice cream. It was fun. We drove to the lake and Zack likes to honk the horn to try to embarass me and some people next to us, I think, got mad because they were trying to watch some seagulls or something. We then decided to go back to the shop to play some "Match"(card game) with Zack. He really likes that game. Then after a while, Zack had to go home. Anna and I talked for a while and then she had to leave.
So, like I said. It was a great weekend. Thank you God, thank you.